Fitness Equipment – Run Faster Add Leg Workout Tips

Fitness equipment to run faster whilst improving leg power with leg workouts that can improve your speed tremendously, enhance your running capabilities and prevent injuries from occurring

Whether you’re a sprinter or marathon runner, you’ve probably wondered how to run faster. Improving leg power and running faster is a necessity in most sporting activities and if you’re working those vital leg muscles then you’re not going to be able to generate a great amount of force that can improve your speed tremendously. Below are a few key leg workouts and fitness equipment needed to enhance your running capabilities and prevent injuries from occurring with these Leg Workout Techniques.

Fitness Equipment – Leg Workout and Run Faster – Calf raises
Whether you’re using the seated calf raise fitness equipment, or a standing machine, exercising your calf muscles is a sure fire way to inject speed and stamina. The most fundamental aspect to remember is to hold the position and squeeze those calves with every contracting motion. Don’t be tempted to use momentum to manage a heavier weight and instead, control every repetition for a whole range of motion. Alternatively, for those of you working out at home you can utilise the step to calf raise whilst using a wall for stability.

Fitness Equipment – Leg Workout and Run Faster – Barbell squat
The barbell squat is the most powerful way of maximising not just leg muscle, but overall strength throughout the whole body as well. Make certain you use a moderate weight that allows you to comfortably perform a rep range of between 5 and 8. Alternatively, you can utilise leg pressing fitness equipment but you won’t receive the same overall body workout as the barbell squat.

Fitness Equipment – Leg Workout and Run Faster – Jump squats
A technique utilised by most athletes, the jump squat is the plyometric exercise that encourages the body to use maximum force in very little time – ultimately maximising both speed and power. As the name mentions, a jump squat is fundamentally a squat that sees you jump at the end of each rep. This exercise can be achieved with fitness equipment such as the kettlebell, dumbbell, and barbell or completely weightless. Naturally, with this being such an explosive move, a spotter can help you stay safe and maintain good form.

Fitness Equipment – Leg Workout and Run Faster – Interval sprinting
This training technique can be utilised either outside or on treadmill fitness equipment, the latter will of course help control and monitor each sector. The rule is easy, sprint at your highest capability for a relatively short period of time and then utilise the next 30 – 60 seconds to recover. Repeat the effort for an average of 10 – 20 minutes whilst focusing on speed as opposed to stamina. This is a fantastic way to maximise leg power and will see you shaving seconds off your run times.
So, there you have it! Sticking to these four leg workouts and fitness equipment will noticeably maximise your technique and enable your body how to run faster. Please consult a genuine fitness instructor and/or GP before attempting any new fitness workout if you are unsure of your abilities or how to utilise the fitness equipment in a secure and correct manner.
Simon Parry is an Independent Fitness Equipment Writer

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