Best Exercise Ideas with Utilising Fitness Equipment

I’m certain we can all agree that we’re fed up of hearing contradicting exercise tips. Whether it’s the Mr. Know-it-all with a Lager belly in a gym, a self-proclaimed fitness expert on YouTube, or the friend who thinks he has the answer to the six pack, the world is constantly applying us with mixed opinions on how to get the best out of a workout. It’s time to eliminate fact from fiction as we examine the real top tips for using fitness equipment

Tip #1 – Banish lengthy treadmill runs
Don’t worry, I’m not crazy! Short, yet intense interval training is just as effective as punishing yourself with hourly long sessions on the treadmill. Why not give it a go the next time you use the treadmill? Run flat out on the treadmill for 2 minutes, and then allow yourself to recover by walking for another 2 minutes, then repeat the process for approximately 20 minutes and see for yourself just how many calories that burn!

Tip #2 – Use free weights as opposed to fixed position fitness machines
Whilst fixed position fitness equipment is a great way to safely target a specific muscle group, they simply don’t reap the same rewards that come with using free weights {Unless it is very expensive!). Dumbbells and barbells not only hit the areas you’re looking to improve, but they’ll also force your body to recruit and train your stabilizing muscles. Unfortunately, fitness equipment machines have a tendency to not only neglect these vital muscles, but also cause injury if you’re not using correct height adjustments.

Tip #3 – Lift heavier
Many people (women in particular) fear that lifting weights that challenge their body is a sure fire way to end up looking like a big bulky bodybuilder. This couldn’t be further from the truth. To build a body like Rocky not only takes a great deal of time and weight, but a strict diet of several high protein meals a day too! I assure you, lifting a few heavy weights during your workout is not enough to look like the hulk, but is a great way to increase bone density, accelerate your metabolism and burn fat.

Tip #4 – Increase range of motion whilst using fitness equipment
I’m sure we’ve all seen those guys in the gym who forget to leave their ego at the door and pile on the weight plates only to not gain a full range of motion when lifting. It may look awesome to them, but unfortunately their not benefiting from each repetition. It’s time to show them how it’s done by squatting lower, benching lower and fully extending on those pull ups.

Tip #5 – Use the heavy lifting fitness equipment first, then run
It may sound funny, but studies have shown that individuals who weight train first and then use the treadmill burn fat quicker than those that did it the opposite way around. Of course, you still have to warm up before you utilise any fitness equipment.

So, there you have it! Five fundamental exercise tips that will help you get the maximum out of your gyms fitness equipment. Please consult a genuine fitness coach and/or GP before attempting any fresh fitness routine/Exercise Tips, if you are unsure of your abilities or how to utilise the fitness equipment in a secure and correct manner.
Farooq Hussain Shah is an Independent Fitness Equipment reviewer

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